Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

This nutritious twist on lasagna uses spaghetti squash instead of pasta for a lower carb and more micro filled option! This dish is a fav for me and even my parents who enjoy it as well! Make it for your family & you won’t regret it ;)

⁣Ingredients: ⁣

-1150g (1-2 large baked spaghetti squash) (flesh, no skin)

-150g diced sweet yellow onion (about 1)

-300g diced bell peppers (about 3)

-12 oz extra lean ground chicken or protein of choice (little less then 1 lb)

-375g of your fav marinara, I used Lucini Italia Tuscan Marinara (1.5 cup) 

-1 egg ⁣

-55g whipped cream cheese (5 TB)

-60g fat free mozzarella cheese

-1 tsp italian seasoning

-Red pepper flakes to taste if you like it spicy

-Dash of sea salt & pepper

Directions: ⁣

Preheat oven to 400⁣

-Cut spaghetti squashes ends off - if it’s too hard, polk holes and microwave it for 5 min to soften.⁣

-Cut in half & de seed, spray with coconut oil spray & season with garlic powder and pink salt⁣

-Lay faced down on a foil lined and sprayed baking sheet & roast for 30-40 min until you can fork the squash out like “hair”.⁣

-Brown the protein you wish to use in a skillet and set that aside. ⁣

-You can use raw finely diced peppers and onions to add into bake or air fry them together before placing them into the bake, @400 for 16-18 min.⁣

-While the squash is roasting.... use a food processor to blend: tomato sauce, egg, spices, cream cheese, while saving the mozzarella cheese for topping! ⁣

Now for assembling: add squash flesh while peeling apart from the skin with forks to a 8x11 baking dish, air fried or diced raw peppers/ onions (I cut the mini peppers up), blended sauce mixture, ground chicken & STIR! ⁣⁣

Top with cheese & bake it at 420 for 20-25 minutes until bubbly! ⁣

Cut & serve! And it’s great frozen too for later use! We love to double the recipe & have one to eat right away and have one stored for later…

This makes 4 servings, one is: 304 calories (2,013 total weight divided by 4 servings = 503 grams) 30p/34c/6f

Search in MFP: “Lifting Lex’s Spaghetti Squash Lasagna” to log it!


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